Yogyakarta, 21 Februari 2024 – Bidang Publikasi Ilmiah Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (BPI UAD) dengan bangga menyelenggarakan Focus Group Discussion (FGD) bersama Tim Clarivate Web of Science (WoS) dari Singapura. Acara yang berlangsung dengan lancar di Hotel Grand Rohan Yogyakarta ini dihadiri oleh civitas akademika UAD.

Kegiatan ini menjadi forum yang berharga untuk mendiskusikan cara kerja platform Web of Science (WoS) yang dipresentasikan langsung oleh Tim Clarivate. Pembahasan terkait mekanisme penilaian dalam platform WoS dan percepatan proses peer review melalui Web of Science Reviewer Locator menjadi sangat krusial dalam sub tema FGD kali ini.

Acara FGD dibuka dengan hangat oleh apt. Lalu Muhammad Irham M.Farm., Ph.D., selaku Kepala Bidang Publikasi Ilmiah periode 2024-2028. Dalam sambutannya, beliau menekankan pentingnya memahami ketentuan-ketentuan yang dikeluarkan oleh Tim Clarivate WoS dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas dan dampak publikasi ilmiah.

Menanggapi keberhasilan acara ini, BPI UAD menyatakan optimisme mereka dalam meningkatkan kualitas publikasi ilmiah di tingkat internasional. Dengan adanya Forum Grup Diskusi (FGD), diharapkan para pengelola jurnal di lingkungan Universitas Ahmad Dahlan dapat mengeluarkan publikasi yang berkualitas dan berdampak signifikan bagi perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan.

FoCUS Group Discussion (FGD) with Clarivate Web of Science (WoS) Team Singapore

Yogyakarta, February 21, 2024 – Ahmad Dahlan University’s Scientific Publication Division (BPI UAD) proudly organized a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with the Clarivate Web of Science (WoS) Team from Singapore. The event, which took place smoothly at the Grand Rohan Hotel Yogyakarta, was attended by the UAD academic community.

This activity became a valuable forum to discuss how the Web of Science (WoS) platform works which was presented directly by the Clarivate Team. Discussions related to the assessment mechanism in the WoS platform and the acceleration of the peer review process through the Web of Science Reviewer Locator became very crucial in the FGD sub-theme this time.

The FGD event was warmly opened by apt. Lalu Muhammad Irham M.Farm., Ph.D., as the Head of Scientific Publication for the period 2024-2028. In his remarks, he emphasized the importance of understanding the provisions issued by the Clarivate WoS Team in order to improve the quality and impact of scientific publications.

Responding to the success of this event, BPI UAD expressed optimism in improving the quality of scientific publications at the international level. With this Discussion Group Forum (FGD), it is expected that journal managers at UAD can publish quality publications and have a significant impact on the development of science.